Álvaro Guzmán Bastida is a Spanish-born writer and filmmaker based in Brooklyn. He holds an M.S. in Journalism and an M.A. in Politics and Government, both from Columbia University, and has worked as a producer for Al Jazeera and a reporter and writer for newspapers in magazines in Spain, Argentina, the UK, and the Netherlands. He is the author of the book Trump as a Symptom, published in 2019 by the Spanish imprint Lengua de Trapo. Most recently, he helped produce the Netflix series Unnatural Selection (2019) and Immigration Nation (2020). You can follow him on twitter here

October 10, 2020


Change the Furniture

An interview with Mark Blyth.

Mark Blyth is William R. Rhodes Professor of International Political Economy at Brown University and a Faculty Fellow at Brown’s Watson Institute for International Studies. His research examines how the interests of states and economic actors shape ideological consensus and…