Ernst Jean-Pierre is a co-host of a show called GRAN CHIMEN on Radio Ayibobo in Haiti on which he educates about the political and cultural value and strength of Vodou, and its role in the conception of the nation and the importance of that dimension in political struggle. He is the co-founder of the Gwoup Refleksyon Fowòm Politik Sosyo-Pwofesyonèl Progresis Ayisyen (Think Tank of the Socio-Professional Political Forum of Progressive Haitians). He is a founding member of the group Rasin that works out of Cite Soleil in Port-au-Prince. Jean-Pierre is the general coordinator of the Research Group of Initiatives for an Alternative and Participatory Development (GRIDAP). He is also an instructor of identity and culture at the Charlemagne Péralte Political Training School in Papaye. He is associated with the Lakou Palmin, a Vodou communal space in La Montagne Jacmel in the South West of Haiti.

August 1, 2024


Haiti’s Long Struggle

Military occupation, gang violence, and popular uprising

In October 2023, the United Nations Security Council voted to “authorize the deployment of a multinational security support, headed by Kenya.” While Russia and China abstained, they too condemned “the increasing violence, criminal activities, and human rights abuses and violations…