Monica Prasad's areas of interest are economic sociology, comparative historical sociology, and political sociology. Her latest book, Starving the Beast, asks why Republican politicians have focused so relentlessly on cutting taxes over the last several decades. Through her research, Prasad shows that the tax cut movement arose because in America—unlike in the rest of the advanced industrial world—progressive policies are not embedded within a larger political economy that is favorable to business, a situation whose origins she explored in The Land of Too Much. Prasad's scholarship has won several grants and awards, including the Fulbright award, the National Science Foundation Early Career Development Grant, the Guggenheim Fellowship, and several book and article awards.

July 10, 2020


The Crisis and the Free Market

On crisis, partisanship, and public policy

Will the current crisis transform America’s politics and economic institutions? With unemployment higher than at any point since the Great Depression, rising food insecurity, and an increasingly muscular role for government—are we witnessing the beginning of the end of the…