Mamyrah Prosper is an Assistant Professor of Global and International Studies at the University of California, Irvine. She is also the director of the Center for Truth & Racial Healing at UCI. Dougé-Prosper’s work generally focuses on Black social movements. More specifically, her research centers around protest movements in 21st century Haiti. Dougé-Prosper has published in political magazines such as LeftEast as well as academic journals such as Women's Studies Quarterly and International Studies Review. She is completing her first manuscript titled Development Arrested in Occupied Haiti: Social Movements and the Gangster State. Dougé Prosper is also the international coordinator for Community Movement Builders and the co-host of the WBAI Pacifica in New York City radio show “Haiti: Our Revolution Continues.”

1 de agosto de 2024


A longa luta do Haiti

Ocupação militar, violência de gangues e revolta popular

Na crise do Haiti, não basta questionar quem são as gangues, mas também por que as gangues, e por que agora.