
Series are collections of works published by Phenomenal World on a single subject or area of research. Series are commissioned to analyze particular issues or historical moments, and are either ongoing projects or collected as one-time volumes.

The Polycrisis

The Polycrisis is a newsletter and a series of essays and panels exploring intersecting crises with a particular emphasis on the political economy of climate change and global North/South dynamics. It is edited by Tim Sahay and Kate Mackenzie. Follow The Polycrisis on Twitter here. 

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Articles in this series




The Politics of the Price Level

The economist Albert Hirschmann suggested in 1985 that varied state responses to inflation defined the global political economy of the second half of the twentieth century. In the second decade of the twenty-first, following the disruptions of the Covid-19 pandemic, rising prices—and struggles over how…

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Social Democracy

This series of posts is collected in Phenomenal World Volumes 001: Market Economy, Market Society: Interviews and Essays on the Decline of European Social Democracy edited by Maya Adereth, and featuring contributions from Adam Przeworski, Stephanie Mudge, David Broder, Juan Andrade, and Jonah Birch. The interviews and…

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Millennial Student Debt

The explosion of student loan debt is a defining feature of the contemporary American political economy; for many among the generation of American college-goers who came of age in the lead-up and shadow of the Great Recession, it is a defining feature of their lives.…

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Market Microstructures

Despite the growing complexity of the global financial system, existing economic theory remains prone to explaining financial instability after the fact—leaving the structural aspects of derivatives markets, payment systems, and collateral supply chains unexplored. Only when financial crises occur do the details of financial markets…

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Articles in this series



