August 13, 2020
ReviewsGeoeconomics and the Balance of Payments: A Reading List
Suggested readings on the savings glut, critical macrofinance, and the balance of payments.
Below is a rough reading list assembled by the panelists in the August 13, 2020 discussion on “Geoeconomics and the Balance of Payments.”
January 16, 2020
AnalysisMacro Modeling in the Age of Inequality
On incorporating distributional concerns into macroeconomic models
Recent years have seen the revival of academic conversation around rising wealth inequality and its distributional consequences. But while applied, microeconomics-oriented fields like public and labor economics have long engaged with questions around inequality, macroeconomics has historically paid less attention…
July 11, 2019
ReviewsKeynes versus the Keynesians
A new book by James Crotty reexamines the career of John Maynard Keynes
What drives economic growth and stagnation? What types of methodologies and tools do we need to accurately explain economic epochs in the past and present? What models and policy approaches can lead to prosperity for all?
March 22, 2019
AnalysisThe Emerging Monopsony Consensus
On the theory of monopsony
Early on in The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith asked who had the edge in negotiations between bosses and wage laborers. His answer: the bosses. In the case of a stalemate, landlords and manufacturers “could generally live a year or…