Herman Mark Schwartzis Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia. He is the author of In the Dominions of Debt, States vs. Markets, and Subprime Nation: American Power, Global Capital, and the Housing Bubble . He has edited several volumes and published numerous articles on economic development in the nineteenth century, the development of the global economy since 1500, the marketization of the welfare state, and the causes and consequences of the US housing bubble. A record of his publications can be found here.

16 de julho de 2020


Dólar e império

Como o dólar estadunidense molda a geopolítica

Quais são os impactos geopolíticos e geoeconômicos da dominância persistente do dólar estadunidense nos sistemas monetário e financeiro internacionais? Yakov Feygin e Dominik Leusder questionam, em artigo, se o uso global do dólar como moeda padrão para reservas cambiais, comércio…